Archive | November, 2013

Changes in California Employment Laws for 2014

18 Nov

There are important changes in California and other states which may affect your business or organization, Some of the major new laws are: limits on how long you can make employees wait to be eligible to join your company health plan (60 days); an increase in CA – or other – minimum wage; some new laws regarding discrimination protecting veterans and illegal workers; laws regarding leaves and time off (particularly in San Francisco) and also be aware of a new obligation to always timely respond to EDD or unemployment claim information requests.
One of these changes is a new maximum 60 day waiting period for health plans: AB 1083 was passed in 2012, but takes effect January 1,2014 – has reduced the typical new employee waiting period for health benefits from 90 calendar days to 60 calendar days. Beginning on 1/1/2014, a health plan contract cannot apply a waiting period longer than 60 days before coverage starts. California Insurance Code (section 10198.7(c) and the Health and Safety Code (section 1357.51(c) , both of which govern large and small group insurance policies